It first happened on 12/21/2014. I was working that night and as soon as I got there, got settled in, and everything quieted down, I heard it. A distant, tinny sound. Like a TV or a radio on low volume in the next room. I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. It almost seemed to be coming from every direction I turned. I dealt with it for most of the night and just ignored it. At about 4:30 AM I realized I could still hear it. I got up and went outside my office. I stood in the hall and listened as closely as I could. All I could hear was the quiet, low whir of the heating system and the faint electric buzz of the incandescent bulbs above my head. Barely audible, hidden in a layer beneath the other ambient noises was the sound, and I still couldn't tell where it was coming from. I searched my office, searched the office next to mine and the break room. I opened every locker that wasn't locked and listened, thinking maybe someone had left a radio turned on and stuffed into their locker by accident. Still I couldn't find the source of this noise. It never seemed any louder or quieter, whether I was in my officce, the break room, the hall, or anywhere else. I walked a short distance down the hall, and still it was at the same unchanging, directionless volume. I walked the other direction down the hallway, past my office and into the front lobby. I could see all the way up to the balcony of the fourth floor. Finally, I seemed to be able to get some sense of the direction the sound was coming from. It appeared to be coming from a floor above me. I couldn't go far enough away from my desk to investigate any further, because if my phone rang and I was not there to answer it promptly I could be in big trouble. I went back into my office and closed the door slowly. I sat down and resumed work, and the faint sound continued. I looked up from my work and out into the lobby. It was then that I noticed something else strange. The light was moving. All the way up on the ceiling, 4 stories above the lobby, there were bright lights recessed into the ceiling. The light radiating from the lights would shine on the wall directly across from the window in my office. It was normal to see a long streak of cold, bluish-white incandescent light shining down the wall. What was not normal was seeing that light sway back and forth. I stared at it for a moment, entranced and thinking. Had it done this before? Surely I would have noticed it by now if it were a common occurence. How can a recessed light swng back and forth anyways? It's not as if this were a chandelier or similar light fixture like one might find in their home.